tar -cvf sandeep.tar sandeep/
!!:gs/sandeep/singhal will mean
tar -cvf singhal.tar singhal/
:gs is for global search and replace
Technical tid-bits and more ! Leave a comment if you found something useful.
tar -cvf sandeep.tar sandeep/
!!:gs/sandeep/singhal will mean
tar -cvf singhal.tar singhal/
:gs is for global search and replace
Examples :
$> ls :!!$ (or !$)
$> ls :!!^
$> ls :!!2
$> ls :!!n
1. You can type windows specific path on the browser bar and it will covert it to "forward slashes" when you are browsing directory like strucure on a browser
2. The quick search box : The cursor remains at the same place if you go to a different window by "ALT-TAB". This in firefox changes to select the entire text already typed in the search box. Hence you cannot start typing straight away, since that will erase the already entered text.