Friday, June 27, 2008

Vim Movements - Some Common , Some Not so much

ESC + H Moves to the line at the top of the screen.
ESC + M Moves to the line in the middle of the screen.
ESC + L Moves to the line at the bottom of the screen.

[Ctrl-F] Move forwards one page.
[Ctrl-B] Move backwards one page.
[Ctrl-D] Move forwards by half a page.
[Ctrl-U] Move backwards by half a page.
[Ctrl-E] Display one more line at the bottom of the screen.
[Ctrl-Y] Display one more line at the top of the screen.

Reference :

Monday, June 23, 2008

Old Firefox Versions

Thursday, June 12, 2008

nmap - portscan

scan all the ports in a given range on a specific machine

nmap -p1-10000

The above command will scan host to see if any of the ports from range 1 to 10000 is up.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Oracle - Enabling Parallelism

If your database server is running on multiple processor system. You can make all your processors conspire to run a query. You might want to do this when the query is known to take a long time and there is no way it would return in sane time. At the same time, be careful to run this on production systems as it may hamper performance of the database.

select /*+ parallel(x 4) */ count(1)
from huge_table
where huge_table.x = 'somevalue'

Friday, June 6, 2008

vim : ignoring white spaces in vimdiff

In your .vimrc file :
set diffopt+=iwhite

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Appending to a register in vim

For example, you want to collect a sequence of lines into the a register. Yank the first line with:


Now move to the second line, and type:


Repeat this command for all lines. The a register now contains all those lines, in the order you yanked them.

Reference : Vim manual